Tuesday, June 1, 2010


3 more days.

I think I am split between wanting to get out of high school ASAP because I am sick and tired of the busy work and feeling nostalgic and kind of wishing that I could do it all over again. I am glad to say that I have accomplished a lot of the things I wanted to do in Monta Vista:

-win a rally
-lose a rally
-Get a job

I am usually not the type to be nostalgic, but I think I realized today that I am finally at peace with the things that I wanted to do at MV but never did. On top of that, I will be moving for the first legitimate time to a new home in a completely new environment. I don't think nostalgia is just remembering the past, but actually an indirect fear of the future because your comfort zone is vanishing in 72 hours.

I am definitely scared of what the future will bring me, but as I review the montage of memories in my 4 years of high school, I can't help but feel like God had me every step of the way. I now kind of know who I am, and I can say that God has already known where I would be headed and everything seemed to fall into place perfectly. I am scared, but I am excited, because I know that I will embark on an adventure that God has for me, and it will be BAWSSSSOME.

Forever Young - A Farewell to the MVHS Class of 2010. from Minh Bui on Vimeo.

Props to Minh Bui for making this yo!

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