Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Actually it's because I didn't apply anywhere for early decision. Did I scare you there?! good.
But all of this early decision-ing and admissions and rejections are really poking at my noodle. My college application process is definitely a different process than what I thought it would be. I thought I was going to major in business and ed somewhere. Instead, I am applying to a horrendous amount of privates with a declared major in psychology; all regular decision. It's interesting to see where God is taking me on this (less than) spectacular journey. This is definitely a huge lesson from the BIG Man Upstairs that I am never in control of my life. However, it sure is hard to be completely at ease with the fact that I may not even make it into Cal-Poly SLO. -____________- maybe I should have early decision-ed there.
On a more interesting note, when I applied to USC, I actually was bold enough to write down the url of my blog. I wonder if they actually look at it. Hi USC!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It is December, and I don't think I have ever felt this cold before. Like, seriously, I wake up and cringe at the weather reports because the temperature never goes above 60 now. My toes are always cold, my nose is always cold, and I have to wear longsleeves. EWWW. Is it just me, or do your arms feel suffocated when there is more than one layer on your forearms?
It is December, and I can't see the beautiful mahogany color on my desk. It is under layers upon layers of paper, magazines, college application essay drafts, and books. Today I tried looking for my lit essay rubric and found a Lifetouch check for $50. I then found my rubric, and lost the check (I can't help feel that it is stuck in a book somewhere).
Hooray :) that means Christmas season is here! I basically walk around with a fatty grin on my face because I listen to 96.5 (aka CHRISTMAS SONGS IN DECEMBER) all the time. But secretly. NPR and Christmas songs are my secret radio stations; if someone else is in the car with me, I have some weird feeling to change it to 94.9.
This year, I was unfortunately too busy to set up the Christmas tree. The Chen clan Christmas tree is at least my age-every year we bring it down from the attic and marvel at the odd smell and discolored plastic, and every year we talk about buying legit evergreen trees. But, lo and behold, it ends up standing next to the piano, restored to its annual glory. I love Christmas :)
I guess the best thing about December is the people. Especially this year!! College peeps come back, relatives meet up, and friends chill together! I am SOOOOPER excited this year because I will be a second semester senior! I've even made a list of things that I will accomplish starting December 18th:
2. Do the Costco Challenge (10 bucks=how much food you can buy from the outside cafeteria)
4. Eat spam
5. How I Met Your Mother Marathon
SO that is all. Yays and Nays of this month. I need to finish my lit essay now. TA TAAA
Monday, November 30, 2009
Oh boy, was I wrong.
Since then, my tummy has only gotten bigger when the sammiches have gotten smaller and smaller. For awhile, I even tried eating the garden patties that they have (not too shabby btdubs.) but I realized that they were not even advertised as healthy. Then, I switched to only the subs listed on the napkins. Now, I don't know about that guy on the TV doing all of that advertising, but the napkin-listed subs taste like crap. I mean, the only edible thing there is the oven-roasted chicken breast, and even that looks like a meat frisbee. So now, I make my own variations of the existing subs, and ignore the caloric taunts from the napkins I wipe my mouth with.
Now, why a Subway post now? you ask. Well, today was the first time in a LONGG time when I ever actually felt sick of those delicious sammies. I also weighed myself today, and only GAINED WEIGHT. A little part of me wants to place all of the blame on the Thanksgiving turkeys and the ginormous amounts of food that I down four times a day. But no, I must face the facts. Stupid Subway.

i hate you.
Friday, November 13, 2009
A lot of people were like, "OH EM GEE. I am having the crappiest day ever! Must be because today is the day after thursday the 12th."
I donno about them, but I think my day was not that bad. Well, the day isn't over yet, but YA KNOW.
I submitted my first college application today. WOO Cal Poly! go mustangs (it's sad that I had to google what the mascots for cal poly were.). I realized just how easy applying to college could be, but, alas, our mini-society has made it so that Cal Poly SLO has become my backup, and Ivy League schools my target. (Actually, Ivies are my reach, but I WISH!) Oh society.
I learned this on Friday the 13th. Poop. I wish i learned this on the 14th.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
8/10-8/12 part 3
Friday, August 14, 2009
8/10-8/12 part 2
Day 2:
Clare and I woke the group up with massive telling of secrets, like-HAH. you thought I would actually tell you what the secrets are. no way jose. they are embarassing!! anyways. we set off on our second day. by now i had already developed blisters on my feet and the big toenail on my left foot had turned blue. like someone took blue nail polish and painted it blue. I dont really remember much of the second day, mainly because my feet were in so much pain. I remember how my brain was operating, though, on each mile-
miles 1 and 2: alright! i can do this! i dont even have any bug bites yet, and larry has a gajillion on the back of his neck. ew. hahah clare's secrets. etc etc etc
miles 3-4: oh eff. this kind of hurts. crapp. ouch. shoot.
miles 5-8: **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** (yep. it was pretty nasty. oh ashley. you need to wash your brain out with some SOAP!)
*oh by the way somewhere in here we stopped for lunch and almost caused a forest fire with the stoves that we had, but i think if we actually did cause a forest fire, i wouldnt have been able to move*
So we camped at the big basin headquarters, where the mosquitos roamed and showers cost 25 cents for 2 minutes of heaven. that night, i finally got to use a mirror, and i must admit, 2 days without a shower is pretty disgusting. That night, we slept under the stars again, except this time, Victor and I switched sleeping bags. but the problem was, it was HOT. like, so hot that i wore a tshirt and sweatpants only because i didnt have any shorts to sleep in. Although I didn't wake up as many times as the night before, i distinctly remember my face in clare's shoulder and john's face REALLY close to me. haha and all because of ONE person!! ;)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
8/10-8/12 part 1
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Snow Retreat (2/14-2/17)
We're desperate for your touch"-Reign In Us, Starfield